Pastoral Perspective-January 2022

THE HANDS OF CHRIST One of my favorite stories on facing and surmounting disappointment is one I heard many years ago. In a small town in Italy, after World War II, townspeople gathered in a village piazza around their beloved statue of Christ, which had stood there...

Pastoral Perspective-December 2021

Close to Home is our congregation’s 2021 Advent and Christmas theme.  Using materials from Sanctified Art the theme centers us on the Holy Scriptures we will hear during worship and the implications of God’s Word for our daily lives and faith.  In these...

September 2021 Pastoral Perspective

Grace and peace to you in the name of the Father, +Son, and Holy Spirit.  Amen. Throughout the 1960s, ‘70s, and ‘80s Herman Stuempfle and Frederick Wentz were leaders in Lutheran theological education.  Both were seminary professors and presidents – Fred at...