Commitment to Christ Lutheran Gettysburg’s Mission and MinistryOur giving link has changed – Give Online will take you to Realm. To continue to give via Vanco, click here.
2024 Stewardship Commitment Form
Please fill out the commitment card attached to this document, pray about your family’s ability to increase your support to Christ Lutheran in this extraordinary time.
Your Generosity Matters
The Hope To Which We Are Called!
16I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. 17I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, 18so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, 19and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the working of his great power. – Ephesians 1:16-19
This prayer of thanksgiving found in Ephesians roots our thankfulness in the glory and power of God through Jesus Christ. The goal of Paul’s prayer is the knowledge of God that through such wisdom and revelation Christians might mature in their faith and understanding. God has given us a hope and called us into a future where our service, stewardship, and discipleship are energized by the power and presence of Christ.
An important component of our mission and purpose at Christ Lutheran is to proclaim and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a message that offers hope to all. At Christ Lutheran we welcome all to worship God, nurture one another, and serve together.
Our ministry is making a difference in our community and around the world. Together we
*Support several food ministries with our donations and filling backpacks of food.
*Sponsor missionaries and churches in Tanzania, Denmark, and Central America.
*Send quilts through Lutheran World Relief to those in need around the world.
*Partner with Gettysburg CARES homeless shelter to give relief for the homeless in our community.
*Offer early childhood education for over thirty children.
*Host Pitter, Patter, Play – a community preschool playgroup and the Gettysburg Children’s Choir.
*Gather for fellowship to get to know one another and welcome visitors.
*Sing and ring out our praises and thanks to God through our revitalized music program.
*Hold Vacation Bible School for over 150 children.
*Provide Sunday School for all ages and other Christian Education classes and programs.
*Care for and steward our historic facilities>
From worship to service to outreach to fellowship to education – we give thanks to God for all these Christ Lutheran Gettysburg ministries.
Your offering of your time, talent and energy is needed now more than ever to sustain and grow these ministries. Help us fulfill our mission and purpose. Please prayerfully consider getting involved for we are called by God to share a message of hope with the world. Keep the congregation and its many ministries in your prayers. Furthermore, the congregation council and I encourage you to prayerfully complete a 2024 Time and Talent Form and a 2024 Financial Stewardship commitment form. If you have any questions about either form or want to discuss your stewardship, the congregation’s ministries, or ways to support the congregation please contact me. Your time and talent along with your financial gifts support, sustain, and enhance the ministry we do together, sharing God’s refreshing and renewing love with our community and the world. Thank you!
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Stephen Herr
Give Online
You can also donate with your Paypal account.
Give By Mail
Light of the World
Pastor Herr suggested that we put up some Christmas lights to remind us of Christ- the ‘light of the world.’ I put up some lights in front of our house. The other light that shines brightly in the night is the cupola of Christ Lutheran Gettyburg. The lighted Cupola serves as a reminder that Christ Lutheran is ready to help during this dark period with the events of the Covid-19 pandemic. Each of the lights on the bushes represents a member of our church. We want to shine in our community so that we can help us, as a congregation, continue to help others. Christ Lutheran members are here to serve, to help continue to share God’s love in our community.
As the church structure; the building and meeting places has been shuttered due to the viral issues; we must make sure that we ‘keep the lights on’ in our church. In other words, the church’s bills keep coming in, the salaries of our ministerial personnel must be paid, the electricity, gas, insurance, taxes and other items need to be paid. The services of our very able and dedicated administrative assistant must be paid, the custodian and the cantor. Each member of our church is a light, but when combined (like the lights on the bushes) serve to help us to serve our community.
Let us remember that our offerings serve to ‘light up’ the sky in downtown Gettysburg. Please remember to keep your offerings to the church current during this difficult time.
Keep the Lights On
I ask each and every member of Christ Lutheran Gettyburg to mail his or her offering to the church on a regular basis. Don’t forget, that we need to ‘keep the lights on’ in our historic church.
You may make an electronic payment by using one of the links above or mail your check directly to:
Christ Lutheran Church
c/o Financial Secretary
44 Chambersburg Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Christ Lutheran Church
c/o Financial Secretary
44 Chambersburg Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
The Hope to Which We Are Called!
2024 Stewardship Commitment Forms